I noticed how intently Chris studied the WDYBA info card he had been handed previously. His study of the card revealed a sincere curiosity and he eventually said, after my explanation about WDYBA tour, that he would like to watch the progress of the Tour once he gets internet access. Pastor Shaun had engaged another gentleman named Pat and the two of them seemed to be talking about photography and then spiritual matters. Chris seemed to feel “left out” or disinterested. Once I approached him, he seemed happy to talk. Chris explained that Pat had been kind to stop for him as he was hitchhiking back to New Orleans from California where he had been since fleeing Hurricane Katrina. He told me that a friend of his had predicted that the infamous Hurricane would destroy the city and that Chris should “bug out”. For the “heads up” his friend gave him Chris said he would be always be grateful. Chris has undoubtedly been in many evangelizing places over the past couple of years. For that reason, I used the time I spent with him to make friends and listen. I hope that Chris will heed good news, from a new friend but Good News even more important eternally than what his friend gave him about Katrina: God loves, you, Chris. If you draw near to Him…He will draw close to you. If you call upon the Lord, He will save you. And that is for eternity.
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