Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Called to Rescue

Hey Everyone!
Over the last few weeks I have been thinking about the reasons behind why Christians are called to evangelize. Of course we have been given the Great Commission in which we are commanded to go out and make disciples. However, tonight Pastor Shaun used an example that I really like. We are called to be rescuers. In a world that is pursuing all that is evil, God has called us to go out and rescue those who are lost. If I was walking beside a ditch and saw someone drowning, would I not do all in my power to pull that person out? How much more so should I be fighting to rescue the lost from drowning in their own sin! We as Christians have been given all the tools necessary to go out and reach people, and my prayer is that God keeps my eyes and the eyes of the rest of our team open that we might not miss any opportunities to witness to those who need to hear the Gospel.


1 comment:

  1. Wow! truly out of the mouth of babes - thank you so much for your testimony and the fruit that is shown from your walk with God!
