Monday, June 27, 2011

By His blood and our words

Sunday night we had the chance to go to the Apostles church in New York City. While we were there we had a time of worship. One of the songs that we sang had a portion in it that went, "We will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. Everyone overcome." That part of the song has been playing through my head yesterday and today, so I took some time to pray it through. As I was praying, I realized that in that one line of a song, the author had summed up the entire purpose of our being on this missions trip. God has called us to overcome the world. How are we doing that? We are spending time daily in an intensive discipleship course and in other studies as well. Through this, we are striving toward a stronger relationship with Him. It is through that relationship with Him that we are going out in the knowledge of His mercy and grace to evangelize. How are we evangelizing? By the blood of the Lamb-sharing how Jesus loved us enough to die for us- and by the word of our testimony- sharing the amazing effect God has had in our lives. Ultimately we know that it is God who draws sinners to repentance. However, by sharing what He has done in my life, I am realizing how grateful I am for my relationship with God, and I want others to know the same powerful God that is now living in me. We begin our first day of witnessing in New York tomorrow. My prayer is that God will give us the strength to overcome what awaits us all for His glory!

-Jessica Eubank


  1. ...Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have perfected praise..." Praying God grant you all that you ask and more!

  2. You have wonderful insight Jessica, thanks for sharing that! We love you and are praying for all of you.
