Monday, June 20, 2011

Lights, Camera, Generosity that saves.

Everything has a cost. In order to clear up any misconceptions in the future: we did not pay a church or an organization to do this. We paid for our own way and nothing more. We have a budget and we live by that budget the whole trip. This budget was figured by preliminary pricing and estimated costs, being said each team member was required $2360. It isn't terrible for 3 weeks at $4 a gallon. Paying for this became a little tricky.

One month ago I owed 1900 on this trip not bad no stress.
2 weeks ago I owed 1200 OK start stressing
2 days a go I owed $400 and I had peace

It was strange having peace in such a tight situation but then I think about how God has done the impossible before through incredible circumstance. only through God did David take down a giant. Through God, Joshua tore down the walls of a huge city just by shouting. through God, two years a go when I did the first trip, without any large donation I received $3000 in my hands to experience the first trip...The impossible became possible in all these situations. There are only 12 team members, but through God was an incredible contribution through so many people, we consider "partners" in seeing the will of God go forth. We as a team thank everybody that made some kind of sacrifice to see this happen.

We are just one day away from: imperative action in the kingdom of God, incredible conversation, significant impact, life-changing memories, heart breaking reality, amazing testimony, and Jesus using 12 clay pieces to start the revelation of His Son stirring within the souls of men. It was through generosity that God made this possible. Thank you to everyone for your being a part in such an epic event and please as we prepare and go out, keep us under six feet of prayer.
~Charles A. Chavez~

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