Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Well the team went about Central Park yesterday and used the cards to talk with a lot of very interesting people. The Park is amazing and the most difficult part was finding people who spoke English. Afterwards we went to see Times Sqare and catch a meal. By the time we took the Staten Island Ferry to our vehicle and made it back to the hotel, it was almost three a.m.! We are all blurry eyed and have a 6 hour drive ahead of us. However, we are still excited. We have tons of interviews to put into the computer, however our modem is giving us trouble. I am on a borrowed computer at the hotel. Please be patient, we are hoping to have the records in after Gettysburg.

1 comment:

  1. What a treasure of experiences you are all getting on this trip. God has blessed you and through you is blessing us.
