Pastor Shaun Gibson
I want to see God glorified in our country. I also want to understand what people believe in order to share the love of God in a more relatable way. Jesus rocks and so does the United States. What better way to spend the summer than to mix these two together?
Dorothy Gibson
I love summer missions and this year I am especially excited to be able to share my faith without a language barrier.
Bill Bonshowski
"Why am I going? First of all, I believe I was called to go. Secondly, I have a deep desire to reach out to people who are ‘picked out’ by the Holy Spirit and cross our path."
Teri Montoya
Our world is decaying by the minute and I pray that our team can make a difference to those who do not know God. The reason why I am going on this trip is because I want to share God’s truth with others.
Ashlee Montoya
I am going on this trip to draw closer to the Lord and really understand what America believes. I also want to be a light to those who are lost.
Arik Montoya
I am going on this trip because I know that it will be a great experience. I know God has called me to go and reach out to the lost people of America. I hope to be part of a revival in our nation, that they may be saved.
Carolyn Chavez
I really want to learn to practically be able to ‘give every man an answer for the hope that is in me.’ I am really excited to meet people from all walks of life and hear what people believe from their own mouths.
Charles Chavez
I am going on this trip to spread the gospel in the country I was born in. I love to serve Jesus and I want to be able to become bold in Christ in order to reach out to those who do not know Jesus.
Alexzandra Jaramillo
I want to be part of the WDYBA tour because I believe it is God’s will and plan for my life to go. I have been blessed with a variety of different mission outreaches and I am excited that America’s history and founding principles are part of our witnessing tools. I look forward to the fruit that I am sure will result in my life because of this experience. I desire God to speak to me throughout our discipleship program.
Anna Jaramillo
I am on this trip because I know God has called me to do so. I believe this trip is a great way to be able to share truth and my faith with those who do not know Christ.
Caitlin Blea
I am going on this trip because God has put a call in my life to evangelize. This trip is providing an amazing opportunity to speak to people all over this country. I realize that mission trips are not only important in other countries, but also here in America. Our own country has many people who are in a spiritual crisis, lost, or unsure of what they believe. God speaks to people right where they are in their lives and He uses foolish people to plant a seed in their hearts. I know God is going to use a group of young people, from a little town in New Mexico, to speak to people all over the nation. I love to be the foolish ting God uses to show His power and love.
Kristen Judson
I believe God is calling me to step outside of my comfort zone and spread the gospel as Christians were commanded to do in the Great Commission.
Kristina Judson
I love God and I love this country. It breaks my heart to see that so many people in this country have fallen away from the founding faith America was built upon. I look forward to being able to spread the gospel nationwide.
Patrick Judson
I am going to change and be changed. This trip is going to allow me to spread the gospel and spread the truth with every one I encounter. This will be my first long mission trip and I hope it will be an amazing experience. I pray god will work through me and the others participating on this trip.
Austin Triplett
I am going on this tour to further my knowledge with Jesus Christ and to strengthen my relationship with Him. Above all else, I am going that I may be used as an instrument to lead people to God.
Frankie Espinosa
I am here to change the spiritual state of America. Can you imagine the impact if one of the greatest nations in the world was on fire for God? The world would be different and I pray that God’s mighty power and grace stretches across America that she may become a God-fearing country again.
Dominique Taylor
I am going on this trip that I may grow bolder in sharing the gospel in any situation with people from all belief backgrounds. I am enthusiastic to proclaim the good news to our nation, and affirm the Christian principles that were-and ought to be- used in the establishment and governing of our country.
Hola Shaun y Dorothy - que pena que no vengan este ano - pero que chevere lo que van a hacer en su pais!! - Dios los bendiga mucho y puedan compartir el mensaje de salvacion a su nacion :) Efesios 6:19
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