Friday, May 27, 2011

What Do You Believe Cards

Can't wait, we are developing a deck of cards that helps lead a discussion through six different world view questions. We will use these to open dialogues with people and learn what they believe. The six world view questions are:

1. Which World View Do You Have?
2. What Is The Nature Of Man?
3. What Happens When We Die?
4. Why Are We Here?
5. Who Is Jesus? and
6. Where Do We Find Truth?

We are also developing a webpage that will allow anyone to go through the discussion on-line. How cool is that? We are also working with the Gettysburg Christian Commission to produce a Gospel of John that mimics the Bibles given out during the Civil War, and a Civil War era newspaper that includes the gospel. The team is going through an intensive discipleship program that addresses world views so we will be studying Isalm, Buddhism, Hinduism, Mormonism, New Age, and Jehovah Witness doctrine. This is going to be an awesome trip. Let people know and you should be hearing more soon!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Called to Rescue

Hey Everyone!
Over the last few weeks I have been thinking about the reasons behind why Christians are called to evangelize. Of course we have been given the Great Commission in which we are commanded to go out and make disciples. However, tonight Pastor Shaun used an example that I really like. We are called to be rescuers. In a world that is pursuing all that is evil, God has called us to go out and rescue those who are lost. If I was walking beside a ditch and saw someone drowning, would I not do all in my power to pull that person out? How much more so should I be fighting to rescue the lost from drowning in their own sin! We as Christians have been given all the tools necessary to go out and reach people, and my prayer is that God keeps my eyes and the eyes of the rest of our team open that we might not miss any opportunities to witness to those who need to hear the Gospel.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Schedule 2

June 22 Wednesday Travel From Albuquerque to Baltimore
June 23 Thursday Travel from Baltimore to New Jersey
June 24 Friday BridgeFest
June 25 Saturday BridgeFest
June 26 Sunday Travel from NJ to NY (Times Square)
June 27 Monday New York (Urban Ministry)
June 28 Tuesday New York (Elis Island)
June 29 Wednesday New York to Gettysburg (5 hours)
June 30 Thursday Work with Christian Commission
July 1 Friday Work with Christian Commission (Reenactment)
July 2 Saturday Work with Christian Commission (Reenactment)
July 3 Sunday Work with Christian Commission (Reenactment)
July 4 Monday Gettysburg to Plymouth
July 5 Tuesday Work with Jenny Grist Mill (Founding Father’s Monument)
July 6 Wednesday Work with Jenny Grist Mill
July 7 Thursday Work with Jenny Grist Mill
July 8 Friday Travel from Plymouth to Philadelphia
July 9 Saturday Philadelphia Tour
July 10 Sunday Philadelphia to Washington DC
July 11 Monday Washington DC
July 12 Tuesday Washington DC
July 13 Wednesday Travel from Washington to Albuquerque

Trip 2

This year the What Do You Believe America Team will be on the “Moment of Truth Tour”. We are excited as we visit some old friends and make new ones through God’s providential plan. We will once again be asking Americans about their belief. This trip; however, we will be focusing on just one question, “What do you believe happens after we die?” We will be keeping track as we travel around sites that were pivotal in the history of our Country. We will also come along-side some incredible ministries such as BridgeFest, the Christian Commission, New York School of Urban Ministry, Christian Heritage Tours, and the Jenny Grist Mill. We hope to keep America up with our trip through Video, Photos, and Blog posts. Our schedule is full, but if you are in any of these areas please let us know. Soli Deo Gloria!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Team 2

Shaun: I am excited for this years tour. I can't wait to visit old friends and meet new ones. To find out what America believes and what America believed. It's going to be a wild ride!

Dorothy: It is such a privilege to be able to serve God by making Him known to those who are waiting to hear the good news. I am praying for lots of divine appointments and holy boldness for all of us! I am ready to get out there and experience all that God wants to do through this team.

Charlie: on a brand new tour and a brand new adventure WE are being given the opportunity to fulfill the Great Commission. I'm excited about this tour and What God has in store with our old and new friends.

Nea: This is my first mission trip and I am excited to learn how to effectively communicate my faith to others. I'm happy to have a heart for God and to grow my heart for people just as Jesus commanded us. .

Kristen: I want to go on the WDYBA II tour because I feel that God is calling me to do more with my summer; I don't want to just sit at home passing time. I believe this will be a time for me to draw closer to God and step outside of my comfort zone.

Frankie: I believe God has called me to go on this trip to share the gospel with people. I want to see God glorified in people who have lived their whole lives dishonoring Him, just as He has done in me. God deserves the glory of His creation and I want to give it to Him.

Jessica: I am excited about this summer. As Christians, we have all been called to share the Gospel. I am so grateful that God is allowing me the opportunity to serve Him this summer and to take the Gospel across America. My focus for the trip is this: to know God and to make Him known!

Amber: I feel like God is calling me to go on this trip to be stretched and to learn how to share the Gospel with others. I hope that this trip will help me and the other team members grow closer to God, and bless the people we talk to as they see God's love in action.

Lanni: I am really looking forward to sharing the Word of God with people who are lost. I also want to learn more about God's love and how he works through people.

Daniel: I feel called to this trip because I have a conviction for being a sleepy Christian. The verse in Matthew Chapter 5 is on my heart to "Shine" the light of God and let Him be know in our Country.

Jake: I want to be a member of the team because I have had Godly people in my life counsel me to go and I have felt God calling me to do something like this for a while. His hand I believe is on my heart and I want to listen.

Kim: I feel like God is calling me to go on this trip, because I feel the convincing tug of the Holy Spirit. I pray God blesses the team this year.