Thursday, July 30, 2009

God's Word Applies To Everything

Besides being stretched in all ways of witnessing to people I do not know, God has also been stretching my understanding of His word. It is not merely memorizing scripture or reading through Old Testament books that has been doing this, but the revelation that God has a perfect will for science, society, family, government, morality, ethics, education, and personal lives. I am gaining a better understanding of a biblical world view.
I’ve done the Truth project, but I do not think that these principles really began to take an effect in my life until this trip. For the past three weeks, I have learned the true history of America and how the pilgrims and founding fathers shaped this country being aware of biblical truths such as: that all men (and women) are created equal, free trade, a republican government, God-given rights, Divine Providence, public schools, etc.
Now being entirely aware of this, I have begun to align my view of the world according to the holy word and all that it implies. I have even found that some things I thought were right are not really, and I know that many people, even Christians, have world views that are not true. So how do I know what is true or what is meant to be? I would say that it is simply to seek after God. The answer is simple, but seeking after God’s divine will is a lot of hard work and studying. Reading devotionals and light-hearted books are good, but we must labor in understanding the word with books that challenge us to think, understand, and act on what we believe. I have been inspired on this trip to read more challenging books like sermons, autobiographies, social commentaries, etc by men and women who led extraordinary lives.

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