Thursday, July 30, 2009

Desire to Change?

Hey everybody,

Today we went to “the Smithsonian institution of American history,” we also talked to the chaplain of the senate. When he was talking he told us that every desire we have comes from God. We may not yet understand every desire or want. Your goals, hopes, dreams, are divinely inspired for a reason. This got me thinking about what my “desires” are. Well I was thinking all day about it. When we were in the Smithsonian there was a Lincoln exhibit as I was thinking to myself, “did Lincoln ever think he would have this exhibit?” Right at that moment a quote on the wall caught my eye. It said “’If my name ever goes into history it will be for this act, and my whole soul is into it.’—Abraham Lincoln”, referring to slavery. I do believe that was a desire he had since his early years. He fought for that desire, and he saw it to completion. He had a dedication and a commitment, to that one desire. Now he is one of the most revered men in history. If I could say that I came out of this trip with something, (which I have come out with many things!) it’s that Abraham Lincoln is now one of my greatest heroes. He fought and accomplished in order to free the slaves. He knew his desire; and I now know mine. Do you know yours??? I believe it’s time we started becoming world changers, rather than being changed by the world.


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