Monday, December 14, 2009
We're in Print!
Hey everybody
Well, we were blessed to be the cover story on Calvary Chapel Magazines winter issue. Debra and Geraldine did a great job on the article. It was a six page story with Charlie as the centerfold. He was clothed with the Capitol in the background, I just thought it sounded funny. We have certainly been blessed with this trip. Having been on national radio, tv, and now print has been quite amazing. All because we spent the time to talk to people about truth. Jesus is the truth, and is the only thing the world really needs. We have Him and yet have been so stingy with Him. I want to encourage everyone to tell the people you love and meet about Jesus. It is not about cramming beliefs down anyones throat. It is about lovingly letting them know that God cares about them and wants a personal relationship with them.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
So we didn't know that the story ran on CBN but others were watching. An athiest channel on Youtube called AthiestMediaBlog did see the clip, copied it and posted it on their channel. The post has had almost as many viewers as our blogspot, and they are all athiests! Well obviously the comments on the blog are not favorable toward our tour, but it has provided a wonderful opportunity to talk with more people. God is good. We are also excited because the tour should also be covered in the next issue of Calvary Chapel Magazine. It is truly incredible the favor and grace God has lavished on this tour. We pray that it will have an impact on the church and that more believers will go out and speak boldly about their faith.
P.S. That is me on the pancake! What are the odds?
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
We were on TV!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
You've Been Commissioned
Being part of the What Do You Believe America? Tour has taken witnessing to a whole new level of boldness and sharing the hope I have found in Jesus. I have been stretched to do things that I most likely would not have done before like, having a deep conversation with a total stranger. Now, as I think about it I wish I would have started witnessing in this way sooner!
In Matthew 28:19-20 God tells us to go and make disciples. We have been commissioned to share the hope that is found in Jesus and as Christians we have a responsibility to do so. Daniel Webster said, “The most important thought I ever had was that of my individual responsibility to God.”
With each person I encounter God gives me the boldness I need to share the gospel. 1 Corinthians 3:12 says, since we have such a hope, we are bold. God can give you the boldness you need to carry out the great commission also! So I challenge you. Go out, fulfill the commission and responsibilities God has given you and you will find that not only will the lives around you change but your life will change for the better too!
– Kristina Judson
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Oklahoma City was one of the saddest places for me to talk to people. When the Tour was in the City we went to the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial. We were asking people the question, “What is Evil?” As we were walking around the Memorial I found it hard and a little awkward for myself to walk up to people and ask them what evil is. Here we were, in a setting where great evil had been committed. In the center of the memorial there is a reflection pool marking the spot where a bomb was set off, killing men, women and sadly children. On the sides of the reflection pool there are chairs set up representing every life that was lost. Before we entered the Memorial we were split into small teams of two-three. Austin, Kristina and I were on the same team and as we were walking we approached a husband and wife. When we asked the husband what he believes evil is, he told us to be prepared for a lengthy answer because he's a college professor. He asked us, “What is cold?” I said the absence of heat. He asked, “What is darkness?” The absence of light. “What is evil?” The absence of good. I asked him what is good, he said that only God is good. Evil is the absence of God.
-Kristen Judson-
Where Are All The People?
The second day of ministry was a very interesting one. We had planned on going to a park and talking to people and asking what is our purpose. However, when we got to the park, there were no people. So we left the park and as we were driving, we still could not find a place with enough people to interview. Finally, as noon was approaching, we ended up going to a Wal-Mart parking lot looking for people. Austin and I were given the camera and then sent off to try and interview people as they were either coming or going. We talked to about six or seven people. One of the answers that stuck out to me was a lady, when asked what is our purpose, her answer was to just survive. If surviving were our only purpose, then why would God have created us? Why would He have shown us grace and mercy by sending His son to die for us? After interviewing this lady, Austin and I talked to another man whom I believe had the correct answer. He told us that our purpose is to fulfill the Great Commission by studying God's word and teaching others what we have learned; to raise our children in a Godly manner teaching them to study the Gospel and share it with others. This guys answer amazed me! He not only knows that man is not here on Earth by some accident, but he knows what our purpose is.
-Kristen Judson-
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Re-cap of New Orleans Johnny Balloon
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
What Happened!?!
We learned so much about the heritage of our country and the foundation of our nation.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
We visited the Cadillac Ranch, Oklahoma City bombing Memorial, Wall Builders headquarters, the Fort Worth Stockyards, Jackson Square in New Orleans, The Chickamauga Civil War Battlefield in Chattanooga, The Charleston Market, Jamestown Living Museum, Colonial Williamsburg, the Gettysburg Wax Museum, Christian Commission Museum, National Cemetery, Plymouth Rock, the Jenney Grist Mill, The Old North Church, Quincy Market, Paul Revere’s home, Independence Hall, Liberty Bell, Christ Church, Great Auditorium in Ocean Grove, Times Square NYC, Statue of Liberty, Family Resource Council headquarters, U.S. Capitol, Monuments in Washington (Washington, Lincoln, FDR, Korean, WWII, and Jefferson) the Smithsonian, Creation Museum, St Louis Arch, and Main street Branson.
We road on the New Orleans Trolley, Staten Island Ferry, Philadelphia T, and the NY, Boston, and DC subways. We ate gumbo in Louisiana, pizza in New York, Steak and Cheese in Philly, chowder in Boston, shrimp on Roanoke island, chili in Cincinnati, and pork steaks in St. Louis. We sat in George Washington’s pew, held a revolutionary rifle, boarded a colonial ship, meet with the Chaplin of the Senate in his chambers, saw Chinese acrobats, watched many street performers, saw Paul Baloche and Big Daddy Weave in concert, and members of the team got to pet a Zorse, get bucked off a mechanical bull, ride a longhorn, and swim in the Atlantic Ocean.
We were interviewed by KLOVE radio, Bridge FM, CBN, and CC Magazine. We met with Mormons, Muslims, Jehovah Witnesses, Buddhists, Jews, Atheists, Agnostics, Psychics, Tarot card readers, Professors, Debate teams, homeless people, intoxicated people, Christians of every flavor, and people from Denmark, Trinidad, Spain, England, Russia, Ireland, Germany, Australia, France, and a few Americans.
We slept at a bazillion campgrounds, four churches, and one parking-lot on Staten Island. We spent uncountable hours cheek to cheek in vehicles, studying our Bibles, and reading great books. But more important than all of this, I believe we heard from God. I have heard from the team that they have been touched and challenged to live their destiny. We are not here by accident so we must live on purpose. I truly believe the trip has just begun!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
the road, but not the last video!
We have more planned. We had
a lot of miles to cover in a little
time so this video was made
across three states. We asked,
"Where do we come from?"
and got some interesting answers.
Check it out and please comment.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The Faiths of Our Fathers
"God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that his justice cannot sleep forever. Commerce between master and slave is despotism. Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free. Establish a law for educating the common people. This it is the business of the state and on a general plan."
That’s a Christian and there’s no doubt about it.
Friday, July 31, 2009
When God Speaks
When God speaks, it truly is an amazing and breath taking experience. Literally it was breath taking for me. On the last day that the Tour was in Washington D.C. we stopped at a Starbucks on our way back to camp. As we were sitting in a circle debriefing and sharing stories of people we had spoken with, a man came in and sat at a table across from us. The instant I saw him I started praying for him. Then I felt God tell me, “Go pray for him.”My reply was, “I am praying.” Again I felt God tell me, “Go pray for him.” At that point I said, “That’s a good one. BUT ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I can’t go up to this man and tell him God told me to pray for him, it’ll make me look crazy.” Then it dawned on me. I have been traveling the streets of America, talking to countless strangers about the Gospel, yet I’m having a hard time praying for this one man inside Starbucks? I am crazy! By now my heart felt as though it was pounding from my chest; I was breathing heavily and about to cry. Then the man stands and approaches Teri asking who we are. After she explained to him and gave him a card he walked away. He was getting ready to leave when I finally stood up to go pray for him. Of course I didn’t want to go alone, so I had told Austin to go with me. The man was about to walk out the door when I asked him to stop. I have to wonder what was going through his mind when he turned around and saw me almost in tears and a confused Austin standing behind me. When I reached him I basically blurted out, “This may sound crazy, but I feel that God is telling me to pray for you. Can I?” His eyes got huge, his jaw dropped and he said, “This is sudden” so I said, “I know I’m freaked out too, but can I pray for you?” He said yes he wants me to pray that he can find a job. So after I prayed and Austin and I walked away, I felt as though I had done the right thing.
-Kristen Judson-
The Christian Commission
had a providential meeting with an
awesome couple who operates the
US Christian Commission museum.
We parked in front of a store they
were visiting and they ran out to ask
us if we were Christians. They have
discovered a group of heroes that
served in the battlefields of the Civil
War that have been almost erased
from the history books. If you are
ever around Gettysburg you have
to visit them. Check it out!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
God's Word Applies To Everything
I’ve done the Truth project, but I do not think that these principles really began to take an effect in my life until this trip. For the past three weeks, I have learned the true history of America and how the pilgrims and founding fathers shaped this country being aware of biblical truths such as: that all men (and women) are created equal, free trade, a republican government, God-given rights, Divine Providence, public schools, etc.
Now being entirely aware of this, I have begun to align my view of the world according to the holy word and all that it implies. I have even found that some things I thought were right are not really, and I know that many people, even Christians, have world views that are not true. So how do I know what is true or what is meant to be? I would say that it is simply to seek after God. The answer is simple, but seeking after God’s divine will is a lot of hard work and studying. Reading devotionals and light-hearted books are good, but we must labor in understanding the word with books that challenge us to think, understand, and act on what we believe. I have been inspired on this trip to read more challenging books like sermons, autobiographies, social commentaries, etc by men and women who led extraordinary lives.
The Creater of the earth knows a thing or 2 about it!
One thing God has made clear is that He is so faithful! When He calls you to do something all you need to do is follow where He leads. He has led kings into battle, given freedom to slaves, and made nations from men. Trust me, He is big enough to have a plan for our lives. We must not underestimate the God who created us! I have to learn this lesson over and over again because some silly thing inside of me forgets that the God who made me knows why He made me and had a purpose in mind when He did it. So I beg of you, LET GO! Let go of whatever your not giving Him control of because He knows what your life is supposed to be.
“He [Abraham] did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith giving glory to God. And being fully convinced that what He [God] had promised He was also able to perform.” Romans 9:20-21
God's Hand
Hey everyone, today we were at the creation museum and, it was so cool. I learned so many neat things, and just how much the idea of creation is so cool. Creation is such an awesome thing because it is God’s image been made so we can enjoy it. The museum also reminded me of a person we met along the trip that said, “When I look at a flower it’s not just a flower but something God has made for us and something that is beautiful because it’s from God.” This was such a cool thing to hear for me because it is just so awesome to see people and the way they are walking with the lord and what a cool view of the world that some people have. It is also so awesome to see the way people are so on fire for the lord. This trip has made such a difference and an impact on me and the way I view things. I also want to thank everyone for all their prayers and support. See you in 4 days!!!!!! Thanks you everyone bye!!!!!!!
Desire to Change?
Hey everybody,
Today we went to “the Smithsonian institution of American history,” we also talked to the chaplain of the senate. When he was talking he told us that every desire we have comes from God. We may not yet understand every desire or want. Your goals, hopes, dreams, are divinely inspired for a reason. This got me thinking about what my “desires” are. Well I was thinking all day about it. When we were in the Smithsonian there was a Lincoln exhibit as I was thinking to myself, “did Lincoln ever think he would have this exhibit?” Right at that moment a quote on the wall caught my eye. It said “’If my name ever goes into history it will be for this act, and my whole soul is into it.’—Abraham Lincoln”, referring to slavery. I do believe that was a desire he had since his early years. He fought for that desire, and he saw it to completion. He had a dedication and a commitment, to that one desire. Now he is one of the most revered men in history. If I could say that I came out of this trip with something, (which I have come out with many things!) it’s that Abraham Lincoln is now one of my greatest heroes. He fought and accomplished in order to free the slaves. He knew his desire; and I now know mine. Do you know yours??? I believe it’s time we started becoming world changers, rather than being changed by the world.
Go make disciples
Hello everybody!
As we continue to travel across the country I have come to realize just how much America is in desperate need of God. Our nation was founded on the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you were to ask one of our founding fathers what they believed in they would not be ashamed to say they followed God. So what happened? Why has a nation that came to this land looking for religious freedom turned their hearts away from God? I believe it's time that we, as Christians, rise up and share the hope we have found in Jesus and remind our neighbors that we are still one nation under God. When I first started ministry on the What Do You Believe America tour I was shy about speaking to people I did not know. Now everyday God fills me with new boldness to go out and share the gospel. God will fill you with boldness too if you are willing to allow him to use you! So I encourage all of you back at home to witness to those around you who you know are not saved and God will do some amazing things, not only in their lives, but in your life also.
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. - Matthew 28:19-20
<>< Kristina
How do we ignore Him?
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
When God Calls-Caitlin
“Have I not commanded you be strong and of good courage? Do not afraid nor be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
Hello my fellow people of the world
Okay so… WOW! These last few weeks have been so crazy and exciting. We’ve talked to so many different people with a myriad of opinions.
On one day, specifically, we talked to a Jewish man who was very open to speak to us and listen to what we had to say. Our question that day was: “Who is Jesus Christ?” or “What is truth?” His answer concerning Jesus was that he was a very good Jewish man, but was not the messiah. We went on to ask if he believed in the bible as God’s Holy word. He said yes, which led us to ask if he believed that the messiah (since he believed that Jesus wasn’t the messiah) has come or will come? His response was that he didn’t believe that Messiah has come and, even went further to say the Messiah will never come. I was astounded by this because if the Jewish man believed in the Bible as God’s Holy Word, then He should have believed; 1) that the Messiah had already come, or 2) the Messiah was still coming back. The truth is that the Messiah has already come and his name is Jesus.
It breaks my heart to know that many people believe in God’s word as Holy and True, yet do not acknowledge it in their lives. It breaks my heart even more because they do not know of the abundant love of God that is right in front of their eyes. This is revealed in every page of His word and creation, and is shown through His one and only son Jesus, who came to our sinful and shameful world to die for you and me. Yes, Jesus died for you and me, who were made by Him for His glory, that we may have a purposeful life here on earth and one in eternity.
Love Anna,
This has been my favorite verse on this trip, and believe me, the Lord is with me in whatever I do or say. Without him I don’t think I could ever talk to someone I don’t know about these deep questions. So I encourage everyone at home to memorize this verse, study your bibles really hard, and you will be a world changer!!!!! The Lord really does have an amazing plan for all of our lives, we just have to be willing to live our lives for him. So no matter how hard things get don’t give up, He’s only making you stronger. He is with you always.
While the tour was staying in Williamsburg North Carolina, Pastor Shaun and I met an elderly couple that helped give me a new perspective about rain. Earlier in the day there was thunder and lightening, the rain was coming down so hard you could hardly look across the street. It was amazing!
In the evening when the team was getting ready to go to bed, I met an elderly lady while waiting in line for a shower. We started talking about where the Tour has traveled to thus far and I learned a little bit about where she had traveled to with her family. When we were finished she said she was going to meet her husband outside so he could walk her back to their RV. When we turned the corner, standing there was Pastor Shaun talking to her husband. They were talking about the storm earlier in the day. Then the man started telling us of his twenty-four year old neighbor that had put a gun to his head and then shot himself. He said it was sad because the young man hadn’t even begun to live his life. He said he laughs when people complain about the rain, but what we don’t realize is that we need the rain to help grow and mature the earth. We need it to help crops and plants grow for food. It’s like life he explained, sometimes we need storms to help us grow and mature. This man, whom I will never see again, gave me a whole new perspective on life’s storms.
-Kristen Judson-
The Voyage Home.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Reading the Greats
Hello There! So these past few days we have been in D.C. and we have met some really amazing people. On monday we went to the Family Research Council and we talked with one of their professors. He talked to us about great books that will help you in your walk and increase your intelligence. Then on Tuesday we went to the office of the Senate Chaplain and he told us that the way he became the Senate Chaplain was by this verse, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not in you own understanding, In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6. He also told us that he furthered his knowledge in reading some great books by great authors. I guess what i'm trying to get at is God wants us to succeed and the only way to do that is to read his word and study his teachings. Trust in God with all your heart, so don't only trust him in the hard times or the good times, but through everything we shall trust in him. The second point is; don't lean on your own understanding because it won't get us anywhere, we can do nothing on our own strength. Third is that in everything we do we need to acknowledge God which means to admit to be real or true and to realize the existence of something. Which means we need to see God in everything no matter what and give him the glory. Fourth is that if we follow the rest of this verse God will direct our paths, which also means that he has a plan. So I encourage you guys at home and wherever you are to follow this verse in all aspects of life and give God the glory.
They own the Jenny Grist Mill, the oldest mill in
the US. They are an awesome godly couple and
give walking history tours of the Plymouth area.
The tour was fantastic! We were so blown away
we asked Leo to give us a quick piece on the fly.
We turned on the camera and he started talking,
he didn't even blink. If you are ever in the Plymouth
area the Jenny Grist Mill is a must do. Check out
the video for a taste, and watch to the end for their
contact information.
God's Square Mile
Hola everyone, I just wanted to give an update on how we are doing when we minister. Yesterday we were in New Jersey on the beach asking the question “Why do bad things happen to good people?” When I went out to talk to people there were many different answers, and we also met an agnostic guy, and we talked to him for a while. He was a really intelligent guy and he seemed as if he had really studied his answer. I had never heard what agnostics believe. As we talked to him he seemed very intelligent and that he knew a lot, but after a while we were arguing and he was saying some really weird things. It freaked me out because I had no clue what he believed so we started to argue again and I was getting really frustrated. I began to pray and after a while he kind of let down his guard and we were talking instead of arguing. But finally he had to leave because his wife got sick and we tried to give him a tract but he declined. We are just hoping he will have felt loved, and I pray his wife can get through to him, because she is a believer and really on fire. Thank you all for your prayers, and I want to thank the Hogues for all that they have done for the team!!!!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
They embarked, shouldn't we???
Hey everybody,
So today we toured the Jamestown settlement recreation. It presented a lot of good information, most impressive was the effort the settlers went through to find refuge for the Christian faith in the new world. The journey alone was intense enough for most. There were 105 men in a space 50yds long and 20yd wide and the crew wouldn’t allow passengers on deck due to lack of space. A person considered themselves lucky to be in a boat (especially if you were poor), with no windows, with very little food, very humid hot conditions, no toilets, or sewage system at all (the closest thing was a bucket, that God willing, a deck hand would come throw to the sea) For many weeks you were sea sick, the whole trip you would literally be living with animals, in animal and human dung towards the end of the trip. not your typical cruise but these were men of faith coming to a new world for gold & to spread the gospel . To be honest if we were to do for God what they did for gold, we would be reaping such a harvest as this generation has ever seen. We should be willing to go through terrible conditions to further the Gospel because God sent His Son to save the sinner. If the church were to sacrifice to spread the gospel we would see much less evil in our world and we would see a generations of faith hope and Love rise up. This is the challenge to the Christian SPREAD THE GOSPEL WITHOUT FEARING MAN & START FEARING GOD !
Ocean Grove
Hey everybody! Friday and Saturday we were in Old Bridge, New Jersey. We stayed at Calvary Chapel Old Bridge, who completely blessed us, and we went to an outreach they were sponsoring. Paul Baloche and Big Daddy Weave did a concert on Friday night and on Saturday it was an outreach on Jersey Shore. The name of the outreach town was Ocean Grove and it was an extremely Christian. The Gospel and other Christian items are seen throughout the town. In fact you have to sign a statement of faith to live in the town. But the little slice of heaven is disappearing. The homosexual community has bought up about 20% of the town and is attacking the way the town has been run for decades. One thing I need to clear up for the Christian and non-Christian alike is this. Homosexuality is not greater than other forms of sin. It’s the exact same as fornication, adultery, and lying for that matter. All sin is damnable. Christian, we are still called to love the homosexual. We are to speak the truth in love. The truth is we love them but they are sinning, but God can take them from their sin through Jesus Christ. And to the homosexual the truth that I Just mentioned really is the truth. Jesus can save you from a life of eternal torment and introduce you to everlasting life. All you have to do is call on Jesus.
Jersey beach
Hey everyone! We’re coming up on the end of our third week of our trip and an amazing trip it has been! God has been doing some amazing works on this trip. We’ve come in contact with so many Christians that have forever impacted my life. They have shown me what it means to die to self. All I can do is hope to have a faith like these Christians we’ve met. The tour has been good. The driving hasn’t been too bad, but I can’t say much, I’m not the one driving. But we did find out that an RV and 45 foot long fifth wheel do not mix good with New York traffic in rush hour. We ended up lost driving through Queens and Brooklyn. But we’re all doing great keep us in your prayers and God bless! –Patrick
Saturday, July 25, 2009
What hope is there for the future? New York City, NY
Friday, July 24, 2009
God's Call
Hey Guys! Yesterday we were in Philadelphia Pennsylvania and the Lord told me something. Not in person, but you guys know how God works and how he impresses on our hearts a conviction. Doey and I were doing outreach in front of Independence Hall and we came across a mute man. We asked our question and he answered by writing down on a piece of paper his answer. I didn’t want to bother him so I gave him one of our cards and then I walked away. Throughout the rest of the time that we were walking around I kept seeing him sitting on that same bench looking at our card or watching us. Inside of me there was a strong urge to go sit down next to him and talk to him but I kept fighting it as if he didn’t deserve me. I was too, scared to go talk to a man who couldn’t talk that wanted too, yet this whole month I have talked to psychics, Satanists, Mormons, Catholics, Jews, and other Christians. God was calling me to go talk to a man who probably hadn’t talked with anyone in awhile. I never ended up going back to that guy. I guess what I’m trying to make a point about is that no matter what it is that God calls you too, don’t fight God’s call. Whether it is going to Africa to work on missions or even just talking to a guy on a bench. God has much bigger plans for us then we have for ourselves, if we listen to his call those plans will take their full affect. So I encourage you strongly, GOD HAS A CALL FOR YOU, LISTEN, AND FOLLOW, AND LOVE WHAT GOD HAS INSTORE FOR YOU!
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I sanctified you, I ordained you a prophet to the nations. Jeremiah 1:5
But the Lord said to me: Do not say, I am a youth, for you shall go to all whom I send you, and whatever I command you shall speak. Jeremiah 1:7
-Austin Triplett
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Hello Everyone From Teri!!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Saturday was the make or break point for the team. It was the day the chilling nightmare turned reality of living with sixteen other people in the tightest quarters possible finally reached its boiling point. Nerves were tested. Tempers were tried. We were being rejected left and right on the streets of Gettysburg, and that’s if we could find people to talk to. Discouragement was at its highest. But God had some sobering planned for us. The team had gone back into town for some ice cream where we met a lady who saw us drive into town with our decals that read “Truth is Freedom”. She sought us out and found us. She took us to her museum. Her and her husband had quit everything they had to come to Gettysburg, open this museum, and become full time missionaries to the town. They had opened the U.S. Christian Commission museum. The U.S.C.C. was the group responsible for so much good during the civil war and the Battle of Gettysburg itself. They printed thousands of bibles for the troops in the war. She told us stories from the battle and President Lincoln’s life story that left tears in the room. We left the museum in amazement. God had used this couple to give us a new perspective for the trip. The city was full of so much evil. Ghost tours filled the streets of Gettysburg along with any sorcery you can imagine, but God was there. In the days of the Battle of Gettysburg, Lincoln was saved because he felt the presence of God so thick in the city. God is always with us even in the darkest of places. Praise God for that reminder.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I thought Charleston was going to be the same as our previous ministry days. However, I could not have been farther from the truth, for I believe God had a lesson He wanted to teach me. Frankie and I had been assigned to the camera crew for the first half of the day and after interviewing a husband and wife, a very interesting lady approached us and asked if she could answer our question about what truth is. She never really gave us a direct answer to what truth is. She did tell us that she believes we should be doing good in the world by being kind to those around us. Not starting wars and killing children in Pakistan; not judging others because of their race or nationality. During the conversation she started to tell us of her friend that is a psychic and how she is able to see the spirits of dead people floating around Charleston; can predict when a person is going to die and even talk to the spirits. When I heard her speaking these words, I immediately felt God’s Holy Spirit telling me to push deeper into what this mysterious lady believes. The lady ended up asking if Frankie and I could follow her to meet her husband. As we were walking I asked her if she believed in heaven or hell, she replied no. She told us that her psychic friend told her that when you die, if you are a bad person here on earth you will be sent to outer darkness until you can come back to do some good. Then I asked her what she believes happens when a person that has done nothing but good here on earth dies, where do they go. Her answer was she didn’t know so she pulled her cell phone out of her purse, dialed her psychic friend, handed me the phone and said I should ask her our “What is truth” question. (You can imagine how utterly shocked I was) I was completely terrified to talk to a psychic; I had no idea what I was going to say. When I asked the lady who claims to be a psychic what is truth, her answer was basically the same as her friends. She said we need to do good in our world by being kind and doing good works. So I asked her if she believes she’s a good person. She said “Of course I do”. Then I asked her if she believed that we should keep the Ten Commandments and she replied yes. Then I asked her if she would mind if I asked her some questions about the Ten Commandments. The first question I asked her was if she had ever told a lie. She said yes. After a couple of minutes of talking about what lie’s really are and debating whether or not all lies are the same, she started to really get aggravated with me, I could hear a change in her tone of voice. Her friend that Frankie and I had been talking to may have sensed something because she told me she needed her phone back. After hanging up with the psychic, I had so many thoughts running through my mind on how different I could have handled the situation, what more I could have said and what I shouldn’t have said. From that experience I was reminded of Jeremiah 1:6-9 “Then I said: ‘Ah, Lord God! Behold, I cannot speak, for I am a youth.’ But the Lord said to me, ‘Do not say, “I am a youth”, for you shall go to all whom I send you, and whatever I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of their faces, for I am with you to deliver you.” Says the Lord. Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me, “Behold, I have put my words in your mouth.”
Kristen Judson
Lessons Learned II
+Many are lost… The devil has thought up some CRAZY theology, but the thing that shocks me most is that people are willing to risk their souls on it. “I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it”, is a common answer when asked whether or not they believe in heaven, or if they will “get in”. I have also met an unsettling amount of people who are content not knowing what they believe. Their ETERNAL destiny is at risk, this is an urgent thing!!!
+It is our job… When we were in New Orleans Mr. Johnny Balloons was telling me about how the church does nothing to evangelize to the city that desperately needed it. It got me thinking about what our church and the churches throughout America are doing in their own cities. And not only the churches but the people within the churches. If we do not act, who will?
The harvest is plenty but the workers are few!!!
Lessons Learned
We are not even half way through our tour and God has already taught us so much!
Continue to pray that the Lord has His way and is glorified!!
God is doing amazing things as we travel. This trip has been a great experience that is strengthening my faith every day. I do have to admit that it takes much boldness to speak with strangers and discuss world view questions but God gives me the courage I need. And yes some days are difficult but God has never left my side and He always finds new ways to encourage me as He leads me on.
Please continue to keep praying as we continue to travel.
- Kristina
Friday, July 17, 2009
KOA Williamsburg
So yesterday we pulled into the KOA Williamsburg and upon arriving found out that a couple of the workers were Christians. Once every week they hold a family night and they do skits and worship. Well some of us were blessed to be able to talk with them and fellowship with other christians who really supported our tour. We sat and talked for about an hour and had some really neat time of fellowship. I want to thank you guys again for your support and your prayers you have really helped us out.
God's Ways
Greetings from somewhere in Virginia! If there’s one thing God’s shown me the past few days is God has different plans then our itinerary. As you’ve probably noticed we have no videos from Birmingham or Atlanta. No were not holding out on you. Here’s what happened. When we were in Birmingham our campground ended up being in the middle of nowhere so it would’ve been more work to teardown camp and find a public area in town then actually witnessing itself. In Atlanta, we were supposed to witness throughout the city but apparently God had other plans because it started to pour. God’s way our higher than ours and its great to be reminded some times.
The Williamsburg Spiritualist
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Hindsight is 20/20
WHAT IS TRUTH? Charleston
We, also, got to experience a lot of the rich history in Charleston. The city has passed through the hands of many different countries over the centuries. Here is our latest video highlighting Charleston and they're belief on truth:
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Caitlin In New Orleans
“Once you come here you can never leave. This square is like a cage” he told us.
We all talked to him after dessert. He may have a video up here soon. We also met a Christian family that sings as a choir and sells CDs. While we were talking to them one man on the bench called Ashlee over and asked for prayer. We all ended up talking to these people and they each had a sad story to tell. The man who had asked for prayer was Wendell. He was the man who was holding the woman who was passed out. We talked to him and prayed for him. Keep him in prayer. The whole time the woman never woke up. Finally, one of us asked if she was passed out from alcohol. He said yes. Right then, she smiled sadistically and popped right up. She looked us all in the eyes and said “This is not from alcohol. This is because I am in the pits of Hell.” I told her that was absolutely true. It is really. She has kids in New Jersey but she can’t get sober enough to get home. She has marks all over her arms from needles and she passes out like that everyday. This woman truly is trying to crawl up from the pits of Hell. She seems to have a lot of knowledge of God and Christianity, but she will not let go and fully give her life to Christ. Her name is Yvonne. There are people like Yvonne all over our country and how many of us take a minute to listen to them and encourage them? Keep the people of New Orleans in prayer. They are in serious spiritual warfare.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Team 5
This picture was drawn by a rescue worker after the bombing in Oklahoma, City. This caught my eye because at the end the quote says “And God demands it” This is true because God wants to bless us , And doesn’t want his children to have evil thrust upon his children, And he does want justice when evil does happen. John 3:16 says for God so LOVED the world. God does love us and wants to help us, And when evil like this bombing happens God will have justice. In this life or the next.
A Visit with Chris at the Cadillac Ranch nearby Amarillo, Texas
I noticed how intently Chris studied the WDYBA info card he had been handed previously. His study of the card revealed a sincere curiosity and he eventually said, after my explanation about WDYBA tour, that he would like to watch the progress of the Tour once he gets internet access. Pastor Shaun had engaged another gentleman named Pat and the two of them seemed to be talking about photography and then spiritual matters. Chris seemed to feel “left out” or disinterested. Once I approached him, he seemed happy to talk. Chris explained that Pat had been kind to stop for him as he was hitchhiking back to New Orleans from California where he had been since fleeing Hurricane Katrina. He told me that a friend of his had predicted that the infamous Hurricane would destroy the city and that Chris should “bug out”. For the “heads up” his friend gave him Chris said he would be always be grateful. Chris has undoubtedly been in many evangelizing places over the past couple of years. For that reason, I used the time I spent with him to make friends and listen. I hope that Chris will heed good news, from a new friend but Good News even more important eternally than what his friend gave him about Katrina: God loves, you, Chris. If you draw near to Him…He will draw close to you. If you call upon the Lord, He will save you. And that is for eternity.
We need you!
Charles from America
Chattanooga, What is Faith?